
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

(PS3/XBOX 360)

The racing videogame market is a crowded place which can be split exactly in half: those who swear by the likes of Sony’s Gran Tourismo behemoth for the realistic driving experience and the less experienced squad who just want to have fun.

Pure falls in that latter category. It’s published by, of all people, Disney and mixes the arcade feel of Project Gotham Racing with the button bashing trick system of the Tony Hawk games. It’s a winning combination that might not suit gamers out for the hardcore experience, but is still ridiculously enjoyable.

You start out by creating your ATV from scratch and are thrust straight into the action after a quick tutorial. From here it’s instantly playable. There are three sets of tricks to use, depending on the size of jumps you’ve been launched into. Successfully landing it adds to your boost bar, which in turn can be used or saved up to fire into a near-impossible special trick, for an instant refill.

It takes a couple of races to get into, but this simple system is hugely rewarding and will frequently bring a smile to your face. Races are unlocked fairly easily, which means you won’t find yourself getting stuck, but going back to get that elusive first place provides the challenge. The races are well paced as well, meaning you’ll never get too far behind.

As well as this the visuals are so impressive that you’ll find yourself gasping as you leap several hundred feet into the air with the world below you. Online multiplayer is equally entertaining, as up to 16 players jostle for position online. It provides a non-shooter party experience that this generation has needed.

Overall Pure will pass by hardcore gamers due to its simplicity, but if you want pure enjoyment, get it here.



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